- 2020-09-16 : B.Ed. 4th Semester Examination, 2020
Students will fill up the Google form by using following link within 21.09.2020. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSezGT2TM3qLVuUQzy16PnIReI43eI7YN0NvSSflaRQedYGxDw/viewform?usp=pp_url
Examination will be held through Google Classroom. Students will join the Google classroom created by the College. Question paper will be given through Google Classroom on the day of examination. Students will attach their answers scripts on Google Classroom within 24 hours of the completion of examination with mentioning their University Roll Number, Registration Number, Course name and Course Code. Student should write University Roll Number on each page of the answer scripts. Students will send the original hard copy by courier post /speed post/ by hand within 24 hours of the completion of examination. If we failed to collect the hard copy of an individual, his/ her marks will not be entered.
Dr. Sasim Kabiraj Thakur
Principal, UCTC