Estd: 1938 | Christian Religious Minority College
B.Ed & B.P.Ed | N.C.T.E. Recognised & N.A.A.C. Accredited " B+" | Govt Aided | Berhampore | Murshidabad | West Bengal

Affiliated to The West Bengal University of Teachers, Training Education Planning and Administration (For B.Ed. Course) &
University of Kalyani (For B.P.Ed. Course)


Notice Details:

  • 2025-01-26 : Tender notice for supplying food
    Notice for supplying food

    Click Here to download details

  • Dr. Sasim Kabiraj Thakur
    Principal, UCTC

  • 2025-01-22 : Tender notice for supplying food
    Tender notice for supplying food

    Click Here to download details

  • Dr. Sasim Kabiraj Thakur
    Principal, UCTC

  • 2024-11-01 : Union Christian Training College endroled as Knowledge Institution by the Ministry of Youth and sports, Government of India

  • Dr. Sasim Kabiraj Thakur
    Principal, UCTC

  • 2024-10-25 : Tender notice for supplying food
    Tender notice for supplying food

    Click Here to download details

  • Dr. Sasim Kabiraj Thakur
    Principal, UCTC

  • 2024-10-17 : Advertisement of 7 Teaching Post

    Application with full CV in a Tabular Form with a Score calculation sheet relevant self-attested Mark-sheets and relevant certificates, list of journals with UGC latest reference number and age proof certificate are invited for the following Assistant professors & Associate professor: -

    1. Education – 2
    2. Sociology – 1
    3. Life Science – 1 (Zoology, Physiology, Botany)
    4. Physical Science – 1 (Physics and Chemistry)
    5. Assistant professor in Physical Education – 1
    6. Associate Professor in Physical Education – 1

    Qualifications as per NCTE Regulation, 2014 and latest Notification dated 29.05.2017. Beside fulfilling the NCTE qualifications, the candidate should have possessed the qualifications with NET/SET/ Ph.D. as prescribed in G.O. No. 413- Edn (CS) 8R-01/2010 dated 21.04.2017

    Upper age limit 40 years on 01.01.2024. Salary will be paid as and when the Government will release the pay fixation memo. The fate of this post will be depended upon the release of the pay fixation memo by the Govt. of west Bengal. No salary advance will be paid by the college.

    Mere possession of the qualifications does not give any guarantee to be called for interview. The interview letter will be sent only by preliminary scrutiny with shortlisting (maximum 10 candidates as per Score point) if it is found eventually that the calling of interview has been made wrongly or the documents furnished is fictitious, the candidature will be cancelled at any level even after appointment or tenure in service. Not submission of any documents noted above is liable to be cancelled of the candidature. In-service full-time Govt. approved college Assistant Professors may apply through proper channel not exceeding 42 years The college authority reserves the right for short listing the candidates to be called for interview on the basis of input. The selection committee, a recommending body will be constituted by the college. But the decision of the Board of Governors of this Christian Religious Minority college is final regarding appointment. Apply to principal by speed post, Union Christian Training college, P.O. Berhampore, Dist. Murshidabad, W.B. Pin – 742101 by within 30 days up to 4 p.m. of every working day from the date of publication of this advertisement.

    It is clarified that ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR in Physical Education will have to send CV as per latest norms and standards of NCTE with documentary evidences.
    Minimum educational qualifications for life science and physical sciences-
    Post graduate in the subject (55%), B.Ed. (55%), M.Ed. (55%) along with NET/SET/PH.D.
    FOR EDUCATION---POST GRADUATE in EDUCATION (55%), B.Ed.(55%) along with NET/SET/PH.D.
    FOR SOCIOLOGY---POST GRADUATE in Sociology (55%), B.Ed. along with NET/SET/PH.D.
    Among which 3 years in PG level of Physical Education.
    THIS IS NCTE AND STATE GOVERNMENT NORMS AND STANDARDS FOR APPOINTMENT IN TEACHING POST. Candidates must fill up the format of own assessment. In Graduation Hons. / Pass graduate can apply. Below 55% score will be 10.



    Criteria for short-listing candidates for Interview for the post of Assistant Professors in College
    (Fill up your score point in a Tabulation from and attach it after full CV then documents)


    Academic Records




    80% & above = 21

    60% to less than 80% = 19

    55% to less than 60% = 16

    45% to less than 55% = 10






    80% & above = 25

    60% to less than 80% = 23

    55% (50% in case of SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer)/ PWD) to less than 60% = 20





    M. Phill

    60% & above = 07

    55% to less than 60% = 05












    NET with JRF


















    Research Publications (2 marks for each research publications published in peer-reviewed or UGC-listed Journals)









    Teaching/ Post Doctoral Experience (2 marks for one year each) #











    International/ National Level
    (Awards given by International Organizations/ Government of India/ Government of India Recognized National Level Bodies)






    (Awards given by State Government)







    Total Score (Self-Assessment)



    Viva voce with Teaching



    All Total (Obtained)



    # However, if the period of teaching / post-doctoral experience is less than one year then marks shall be reduced proportionately).
    Note:  A
      i) M.Phil.+ PhD :                   Maximum                        - 25 marks
                               ii) JRF/NET/SET  :                Maximum                   - 10 Marks.
                                iii) In Awards Category :      Maximum                   - 03 Marks
    Note:  B
    Number of Candidates to be called for interview shall be decided by the college Authority.

  • Dr. Sasim Kabiraj Thakur
    Principal, UCTC

  • 2024-09-28 : Notice for Online Application for Mathematics, Life Science and Physical Science, B.Ed Session 2024-26
    To fill up some seats in Mathematics, Life Science and physical science, online application are invitee from 29 September to 31 October. BSc, BSc hons, MSc in subjects having 50% marks can apply. Date of counseling cum admission will be pronounced in our website on 31 October at 9pm

  • Dr. Sasim Kabiraj Thakur
    Principal, UCTC

  • 2024-09-22 : Online 2nd phase for B.P.Ed admission 2024 -26 session
    Online 2nd phase for B.P.Ed admission 2024 _26 session applications are invited from 23.9.2024 to 3.10.2024. Every applicants will appear before counseling and provisional admission on 4.10.2024 at 12 noon positively with downloaded application Form and listed copy of documents.

  • Dr. Sasim Kabiraj Thakur
    Principal, UCTC

  • 2024-09-16 : Provisional Counseling cum Admission Date of B.Ed & B.P.Ed
    Provisional Counseling cum Admission Date of B.Ed & B.P.Ed
    Sl Subject Date Reporting Time
    1 B.Ed All Christian (only) Candidates interview and admission 18.9.2024 11AM
    2 Physical Education all (Christian and others) (B.P.Ed) 19.9.2024 11AM
    B.Ed Non Christian and all PWD Candidates
    3 Mathematics, Physical Science, Life Science, Political Science and Geography 23.9.2024 11AM
    4 English, History, Sanskrit and Bengal 24.9.2024 11AM
    Payment within 3 days after confirmation with actual money mentioned in the list.

  • Dr. Sasim Kabiraj Thakur
    Principal, UCTC

  • 2024-09-11 : Important notification for admission for those who have yet not received the original marksheet.
    It is to inform all that those result have been published in University website, kindly upload the same where is name exit. Kindly underline and calculate total marks of all semester and marks obtained by you. Then put it in proper place .The score will be made automatically. You only prepare total marks and marks obtained. If any hindrance come to college.

  • Dr. Sasim Kabiraj Thakur
    Principal, UCTC

  • 2024-09-07 : Admission Notice for All B.P.Ed and Christian applicants Session 2024-26
    B.P.Ed counseling date with online downloaded Form and attach documents will be held in college premises from 10.30 am . After counseling you will have to pay online and will get roll number.
    Christian directly interview and downloaded form verification will be on 18.9.2024 from 11am All B.P.Ed and Christian applicants will personally present with original documents also

  • Dr. Sasim Kabiraj Thakur
    Principal, UCTC

  • 2024-08-06 : Admission Notice B.Ed and B.P.Ed Session 2024-26
    Admission Notice B.Ed and B.P.Ed Session 2024-26

    Click Here to download details

  • Dr. Sasim Kabiraj Thakur
    Principal, UCTC

    Sealed tenders (Rate including GST) are invited from reputed registered suppliers for supplying of furniture i.e. 03(three) seater bench-desk set (iron , Ply, myka etc) (Qty 80 set). Details of the above items and the complete set of bidding documents be submitted within 18th July, 2024 upto 1.00 pm to the Principal’s / Account Section , Union Christian Training College and the tender will be opened on 19/07/2024 at 2.00 p.m. in the presence of Principal .

    Click Here to download details

  • Dr. Sasim Kabiraj Thakur
    Principal, UCTC

  • 2024-02-28 : Due to some technical hindrance the 5post interviewed is being cancelled
    Due to some technical hindrance the 5post interviewed advertised on 2.4.2022 is being cancelled. The fresh advertisement as per UGC guidelines, the fresh applications will be invited by wide circulation in newspaper and our website.

  • Dr. Sasim Kabiraj Thakur
    Principal, UCTC

  • 2024-01-05 : Sealed cover quotation rate invite from eligible suppliers for supply of Blazer and Pant set of Men & Women

    Ref. F/BPED./Uniform-01//2024                                                                      Date : 05.01.2024


    Sealed cover quotation rate invite from eligible suppliers for supply of Blazer and Pant set of Men & Women as per following schedule

    Sl. No.

    Tender No. & date

    Item No. & Name

    Total Estimated value (approx)

    Last date  & time of submission


    No. 01            Date- 05.01.24

    33 Pcs (approx)
    Blazer & Pant Set with tie

    95000 /- (Ninety five thousand ) only



    Interested and eligible supplier/s to be submitted the sealed quotation along with one set blazer & Pant  with suitable packing (which will be return) / specimen  to the Principal , Dr. S.K. Thakur / Account Section from 12.00 noon to 3.00 pm in every working day.

    The details of materials :-

    1. The materials should be matty finish
    2. Side pocket (Two) front pocket (01)
    3. Inter lock stitching
    4. Provision for belt
    5. Loops . Two extra Buttoms (Inside)
    6. Buttoms should be standard

     ***The quotation will be opened on 22.01.2024 at in the Principal Room
    *** The decision of the college authority is final they will  not liable to give explanation
    *** The final payment (20%) will be made 60 days from the delivery of completed materials
    *** The completed materials should be supply/ delivery within 15 days  time from the date of supply order.

    Click Here to download details

  • Dr. Sasim Kabiraj Thakur
    Principal, UCTC

  • 2023-12-15 : Tender Notice

    Abridged Notice

    Sealed labour rate quotation are invited from the eligible outside Contractor/1st Class Contractor who have experience in all original Structural works of 1st floor of Room No. 11  & 12 with stair gr and 1st floor the total estimated amount of Rs. 3820155/- (Thirty eight lakhs twenty thousand one hundred fifty five) only (approx) of Union Christian Training College, Berhampore, Murshidabad, W.B. The Contractor/s for only labour contract as per square ft having experience for the above mentioned work, the tender filled up  in the prescribed format (see page 2) alongwith all relevant documents be submitted within 21 st December, 23 at 12 noon at Principal’s room. The tender will be opened on 03.01.2024  at 2.00 p.m
    Decision of the college authority is final, they will not liable to give any explanation.
    Payment will be made as per availability of fund.

    Click Here to download details

  • Dr. Sasim Kabiraj Thakur
    Principal, UCTC

  • 2023-11-24 : Notice online form fill up for admission to B.P.Ed course for the session 2023-25
    Notice online form fill up for admission to B.P.Ed course for the session 2023-25 are invited upto 30.11.2023 .

    Come with downloaded hard copy form with annexure to the principal room with 30,000 for one year and take admission directly on all working day from 21.11.2023 to 30.11.2023 upto 2pm

  • Dr. Sasim Kabiraj Thakur
    Principal, UCTC

  • 2023-11-11 : B.Ed & B.P.Ed Admission 2023-25
    In B.Ed who were present in history and any candidate of physical science who have filled up form may present themselves for fill up 2 seats in B.Ed on 17.11.2023 positively.

    In B.P.Ed all candidates who have filled up forms will take their admission on 17.11.2023 at 11am .only rs. 30000 will have to be paid for one year.

  • Dr. Sasim Kabiraj Thakur
    Principal, UCTC

  • 2023-10-31 : Direct Admission B.P.Ed Session 2023-25
    In B.P.Ed course fee is rupees 27 thousand per year. There shall be no field test, come with filled in form and take admission directly. Please contact principal in mail

  • Dr. Sasim Kabiraj Thakur
    Principal, UCTC

  • 2023-10-04 : B.P.Ed admission application are invited online from 5.10.2023 to 16.10.2023.
    B.P.Ed admission application are invited online from 5.10.2023 to 16.10.2023. Old applicants who were absent and new applicant's will present for field test on 17.10.2023 at 6.30 am sharp. The admission will be made on same date I.e.17.10.2023 upto 3pm.

  • Dr. Sasim Kabiraj Thakur
    Principal, UCTC

  • 2023-09-26 : Notice for Online Application submission for B.P.Ed admission 2023-25
    Application online are invited for B.P.Ed admission, 2023- 25 session upto 3.10.2023 upto 5pm. Field test of all candidates will be held on 4.10.2023 men and women both.

  • Dr. Sasim Kabiraj Thakur
    Principal, UCTC
